AntibodyTiters 0.1.23
- Omission of pre-vaccination scores improved.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.22
- Color specifying option implemented.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.21
- Omission of pre-vaccination scores implemented.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.20
- yyyymmdd checking implemented.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.19
- Bug fix for plotAllABT().
AntibodyTiters 0.1.18 (2021-10-28)
- Documents were improved for CRAN submission.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.17
- halfLifeABT() was introduced for half-life calculation.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.16
- main argument was implemented to plotEachABT() and plotAllABT().
AntibodyTiters 0.1.15
- attribNumeric argument was added to readABT().
- From this version, lines will be colored according to lineAttrib.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.14
- plotAllABT_discrete.R was improved.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.13
- One of the default attributes was changed to "Very low".
AntibodyTiters 0.1.12
- Lowess lines in the logY mode was improved.
- From this version, the width and height of PDF can be modified.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.11
- Position of legends in the logY mode was improved.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.10
- argument logY was added to plotEachABT() and plotAllABT().
AntibodyTiters 0.1.9
- column names post_2nd_shot_yyyymmdd and post_2nd_shot_score were replaced with point3_yyyymmdd and point3_score.
- From this version, first two sampling points will be plotted discretely and the followings will beplotted on a continuous time scale.
- plotAllABT will draw geometric mean and 95% CI lines in the discrete mode.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.8
- subset.ABT() was improved.
- groupAttribABT() was added.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.7
- In the discrete mode, after-2nd shot titers are included in the bins.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.6
- Discrete mode was implemented for plotAllABT().
- type: M1, M2, M3, M4, M6
AntibodyTiters 0.1.5
- Variable attributes were introduced in the ABT xlsx format.
- subset() can now be used for ABT objects.
- plotAllABT. can now draw lowess lines for each groups in a specified attribute.
AntibodyTiters 0.1.4 (2021-09-30)
- Improved for CRAN submission
AntibodyTiters 0.1.3
- Improved for CRAN submission
AntibodyTiters 0.1.2
- Prepared for CRAN submission
AntibodyTiters 0.1.1
AntibodyTiters 0.1.0
- Initial addition of functions